On the 26th day of September
in the year of 1916
A.V. and Minnie Robertson
became parents for the first
They named their first born
Over the many years that followed she became known by many names...
None more enduring than
This past Sunday
Mama celebrated her 94th
As the early years past
Mama grew up and started her family
She had four children in all...
three of which got to share the day with her this year..
Her family grew to include
daughter and son in laws,
nine grandchildren,
fifteen great- grandchildren
and some great-great grand children too...
Sunday many family members
met Mama at a restaurant
close by to celebrate the day!
Participants included
her first three children,
and many of their descendents..
Mama's youngest brother and his wife,
some nieces and nephews
where there also.
Our side of the family was unable to attend this year due to sickness...
(nothing dire..yet not needing to spread it to those of us that are already compromised we stayed at home )
A big "Thank you" to my sisters for doing such a great job of taking pictures and for sharing !
As someone said
a picture is worth a thousand words
So in no certain order
please enjoy
the party below...
Happy Birthday, Mama.
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